Thursday, 3 March 2016


WEEK TWO: Never Alone

How does your chosen game(s) tell it's story? Is it successful?

Never Alone is a game that you seem to complete in "chapters". After a while of playing, I realised that each chapter begins with a narration paired with a traditional Inuit art animation. The purpose is to advance the story and explain what is happening, such as Nuna - the main character - discovering her tribe has been destroyed by a mysterious villain.

These scenes were nice, and provided a break between gameplay, which I preferred to the mid-game cut scenes, which I found was a little disruptive. 

I did however enjoy the "insight" videos that were presented at different intervals. As it is a game that is deeply rooted in Alaskan indigenous culture and folklore, the insights aided my understanding of the game, and what the significance was of certain objects and context within the game. An example is the bola, which I only thought was a Incan tool, though after watching the insight, I then saw why the weapon was used by Nuna.

I think it is successful to an extent in its story-telling, though there are some areas that I think were lacking. I personally found the main goal unclear for the game, and not strong. I knew I had to find the source of the "eternal blizzard", but not so much why. I think perhaps it was lost in the mini puzzles that are presented in the game, which I spent more time trying to solve then think about why.

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